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Driving Lessons for Mariana to be more independent

Posted Mar 16, 2022
Being separated from her younger siblings is incredibly difficult for Mariana. She tries to keep herself busy with school and work, but would love to be able to see them more often. Taking driving lessons will help Mariana become more confident behind the wheel as well as assist in her independence. The first thing Mariana plans on doing as soon as she gets her license, is surprising her siblings!

Mariana is 18 years old and lives in CO

Mariana is a delightful, smart and highly motivated young woman. She loves school and enjoys her Cosmetology classes. When she graduates she will receive not only her high school diploma, but also her Cosmetology Certificate as well. She has three younger siblings who she absolutely adores. Mariana is a hard worker, working 3 shifts a week and loves buying gifts for her siblings with her money.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Mariana! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the One Simple Wish for Mariana.

Mariana receives the wish from One Simple Wish

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