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About This Wish

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A train ride for Avery to have a Christmas experience

Posted Dec 12, 2023
Avery loves trains and he would love to be able to experience an actual train ride! By granting this wish he will get the ride of a lifetime for Christmas and will even get to see Santa!

Avery is 7 years old and lives in PA

Avery is a happy young man who loves to give hugs and spend time with the people he loves. He is very curious and loves to ask questions. Although he has some physical limitations, he doesn't let that hold him back from anything or take that big smile off of his face. He likes to play outside, especially in the water. And he loves Thomas the Train.

The Wish Story

Christ's Home requests this wish for Avery.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Kaitlyn grants the wish for Avery! Thanks Kaitlyn.

"Merry Christmas Avery!! Have a wonderful holiday :)"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Christ's Home for Avery.

Christ's Home receives the wish!

Avery receives the gift from Christ's Home!

"Thank you so much for fulfilling this wish! He will have so much fun on the train ride!"

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