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A PS4 for Trezmayne to play with his brother

Posted Nov 27, 2023
Trezmayne, his mother, and his brother have been homeless for a few months now. They were evicted from their home and have now been living from motel to motel. They are not allowed to stay longer than 30 days due to state law, so they keep moving every three weeks. Due to this, they do not have many belongings with them. Trezmayne and his brother wish for a PS4 for Christmas that they could play while stuck in the motel now that the weather is getting colder. Since they have to move so often, this gaming system would be a Christmas gift that would greatly benefit them.

Trezmayne is 11 years old and lives in NJ

Trezmayne is a sports "nut" - his words. He loves to play sports or watch them. He likes to go to his school games and watch when he is not playing. He said he cannot pick a favorite sport because he likes them all! He is a decent student and is well-liked by everyone!

The Wish Story

Division of Child Protection and Permanency requests this wish for Trezmayne.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Jennifer grants the wish for Trezmayne! Thanks Jennifer.

"Trezmayne, I have two boys and they loved playing video games together when they were younger. I hope you and your brother will enjoy playing together too! I know it gets cold up north, so this game system should keep you inside and warm while also having a lot of fun. Merry Christmas to you, your brother, and your mom!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Division of Child Protection and Permanency for Trezmayne.

Trezmayne receives the wish from Division of Child Protection and Permanency

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