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A sofa bed with storage for Rosa to keep her apartment tidy

Posted Nov 21, 2023
Rosa wants a sofa bed with storage space. The flexibility of a sofa bed will work wonders in their small apartment, which is already home to Rosa's daughter, sister, partner, and brother. Her older brother is currently sleeping on a decade-old sofa, and she wants to provide him with a comfortable and safe space to rest. A sectional sofa bed with storage space will allow them to accommodate guests in a small area without compromising comfort. They could use the storage space provided to keep more of her brother's belongings closer to him. Ultimately, having a sofa bed for her older brother not only ensures his peace of mind but also fosters a sense of unity and warmth in their home. Overall, she feels blessed to know he is comfortable and safe sleeping under the same roof as her. This will help release the stress and guilt of watching her older brother sleep on their old sofa or old mattress for the past two years.

Rosa is 30 years old and lives in CA

Rosa has an impressive educational background, earning her AS in Early Childhood Education, a BA in Family Life Education, and a BA in Child Development. After completing her double bachelor's degree, she took a five-year break from her studies to focus on raising her younger siblings. However, she returned with a renewed passion to pursue a Master's in Equity, Education, and Social Justice. Her passion for education is evident in her role as a fantastic K-8th-grade Lego Robotics teacher. She is also keen to give back to her community and is looking for an internship in the foster care community. She has opened her home to foster children in Orange County in the past and would love to continue that. With her love for education and commitment to the foster care community, she hopes to positively impact and create a better future for foster youth in need. She is an amazing advocate for foster youth and seeks to empower agency and identity in foster youth.

The Wish Story

California State University, Long Beach requests this wish for Rosa.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Rosa! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the California State University, Long Beach for Rosa.

California State University, Long Beach receives the wish!

Rosa receives the gift from California State University, Long Beach!

"I am writing to express my immense gratitude for the incredible gift you have granted me. Your organization's support has been a beacon of hope in my life and inspired me to believe anything is possible. Your generous donation of the sofa bed with storage for my brother touched my heart. It is a reminder that even in the darkest times, there are people who care and are willing to help. The gift you have given us will provide my brother with a comfortable place to sleep and a convenient storage solution for our tiny living space. I am so grateful for your kindness and generosity towards my little family. Your organization's commitment to helping those in need is truly inspirational and has given me renewed hope for the future of foster children, regardless of their ages. I am blessed to receive this gift during these challenging times. I look forward to boosting my relaxation time on this sofa when not in a family, school, or work social event. Thank you for everything you have done for me and my family. We look forward to enjoying some quality time this winter break, all cozied up on our new sofa, all thanks to our fantastic wish granter, One Simple Wish! Happy Holidays! May you be surrounded by your loved ones this winter break! Sincerely, Rosa "

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